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16 August 2015


Ryōgoku Kokugikan, Tokyo
16th August 2015
Let's very quickly do the negatives because the positives at the outset of this night are overwhelming and - minor spoiler alert - are set to grow. The tournament was just too long in terms of nights and the lowering of prestige of any one night contributed to not just my general fatigue but lower attendances. Perhaps some workers have hit the point in their careers where they can't quite do a long tour of intense matches. Lastly I thought it was a little cruel to have the workers whose block was not on schedule wrestle in the lower card. You wouldn't make Floyd Mayweather run laps around the arena when two potential contenders for his streak are set to duke it out later.


Now that's out of the way I think that we can mostly agree that it's been a successful 19 days in the main. There have been lots of great matches, hot crowds, and the stars of Michael Elgin, Tetsuya Naito and a few others have risen significantly whilst no one's stock has overtly diminished. That seems like a real testament to a hard-working team of wrestlers, bookers and production staff who have a feel for delivering a visceral, smart and coherent piece of entertainment that works in the immediacy of viewing as well as in long-form. Not every match was great, but it never will be, and arguably nor should it be.

15 August 2015

G1 CLIMAX 25: DAYS 17 and 18

Oh yes it's block final night(s) and the feeling's right oh yes it's (block) final night oh what a night (ooh what a night). Welcome to the security blanket of Sumo Hall, noticeably smaller than the Seibu Dome, though spread over three nights perhaps not that different. We'll do a big assessment of how this tour has gone on the post that heralds the official final this coming Sunday, in which all of the night will be covered as there are many interesting bouts set to occur including the return of BUSHI from injury, the return of Ricochet from underneath a mask purloined from an underground temple in Boyle Heights and a match between Young Bucks and reDRagon, which is a regular occurrence but always FUN.

Look at this awesome image I forgot to use the other day because I was in such a rush! Look at it! This is incredible. For this and more, go and look at Punkrockbigmouth's Tumblr bcs you will not be disappointed. I mean in life you will be disappointed, that is inevitable, but briefly it will be allayed.

13 August 2015

G1 CLIMAX 25: DAYS 10 to 16

To my regular clientele this will be a disappointing entry but to those looking for RATINGZ step inside as I have to review 35 matches ahead of the final trio of shows at Sumo Hall and the energy to write them all up as overly-verbiaged artistic assessments is not quite in me. I have acquired a temporary job that requires me to listen to mostly-decent but occasionally-vitriolic people yell about matters that to we in the higher pantheon of the arts (wrestling) seem trivial but to some are life and death. I then have to type up summaries of these lengthy diatribes. It saps me of my will to do anything but sit there and enjoy the raw spectacle of the two blokes paid to hit each other for my amusement. Sorry! Normal service will be resumed after the final shows of each block as well as a dedicated post for the G1 Final. 

But for who? Find out at the end!
Brevity wins out here. Winner's name first.

Sun Plaza, Sendai 
4th August 2015

2 August 2015

G1 CLIMAX 25: DAYS 6 to 9

Not even halfway. We've seen 9 days of wrestling and the tournament is not even halfway done. Tours of old were longer, yes, but the wrestling wasn't as impactful and it wasn't all deigned important enough to broadcast. It's tough to keep with though fortunately I have a window of time after work that allows for viewing the tournament matches only. 

Should they maintain this format in years to come, it is difficult to see how anybody but the most ardent of fans can keep pace. Not to mention the wrestlers, many of whom are taped up, bandaged, and moving a little more wearily. That said, maintenance of kayfabe is a reason I like New Japan and I'd be surprised if there was no element of a 'work'. Not to say they're not banged up in myriad ways.

This post follows on from my last in terms of style; most matches will get a paragraph, though noteworthy bouts will get a bit of exposition and exegesis. A propos of nothing, I'd like to thank Cagematch for making this process possible. I don't take notes and can't remember bios and past matches without having my mind jogged. Take a look at this excellent site today!

It's that thing sticking up